Science/Stage: an experiment

See FMS scholar Julia Boll's hands-on experiment with science and theater at the University of Konstanz's Zukunftskolleg.

Our FMS researcher at the Zukunftskolleg, Julia Boll, has designed a new interdisciplinary lecture and discussion format that uses theater to test the viability of what she calls an “enacted thought experiment.”  She places herself and a scientist from the other side of the  “two culture” divide on stage for an interdisciplinary discussion on topics of mutual concern in which they employ a team of actors and dancers to enact their ideas. The following links lead directly to videos of each of the four performance-lectures.

19 MAY 2015  
Is That Your Microbiome Trying to Take Over?
Dr. Thomas Böttcher (Dept. of Chemistry), Dr. Julia Boll (Dept. of Literature)
We study the meta-level of experimental thought by investigating what would happen if we could observe our own microorganisms staging a hostile takeover against us.    

29 MAY 2015
Rewriting the Experimental Script
Dr. Andreas Thum (Dept. of Biology), Dr. Julia Boll (Dept. of Literature)
We discuss the nature of the scientific experiment and how a willful larva's deviation from the script might lead to interesting questions about the predictability and reliability of a standard experiment.

26 JUN 2015
Schroedinger’s Stage
Dr. Gianluca Rastelli (Dept. of Physics), Dr. Julia Boll (Dept. of Literature)
We will try to convince each other of the observability or non-observability of quantum space by exploring whether the theater allows for a person to be dead and alive at the same time.

16 JUL 2015
The Dancing Bee
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Galizia (Dept. of Biology), Dr. Julia Boll (Dept. of Literature)
We will see if it is possible to replicate the bees’ dance language with actual dancers, and whether this changes the message to be communicated by dance.